Thursday, November 3, 2016

Violence Against Women: Mob Brutally Beats Woman to Stupor, after accusing her of Killing Husband

An irate mob in India viciously attacked a woman for 'allegedly' having a hand in her husband's death.

According to a police report, the hubby, Ashok Paswan, 50, died following a domestic violence incident involving his wife Usha Devi, 45, in the village of Samastipur in northern India.

She was brutally beaten and left unconscious by a vigilante mob who believed she was guilty of killing her husband.

Usha was then dragged out of her home in front of her children by a group of around 25 men. Nearly 100 people stood by and watched and no one stepped forward to help her.

The police arrived much later and took Usha to Sadar Hospital, in Samastipur, where she was admitted and treated for her injuries.

I am wondering if the husband would have received the same jungle justice, if she had been the one who died following a domestic violence.  Just wondering....

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